Homemade Falooda 🍧

Sabja / sweet basil seeds are power packed with nutrients & have immense health benifits – they are full of fiber thereby cleanse the inner stomach, helpful in weight reduction, used to treat digestion problems, cures constipation & bloating, treats acidity & heart burn, helpful to make your hair healthy and shining as it contains adequate amount of vitamin K, protein and iron, helpful to relive from skin infections,  helpful to relieve respiratory disorder, sore throats, cough & flue, and also are helpful in controlling the blood sugar levels.

They are one of the best body coolants. They are known to lower your body heat, which is why it is often added to refreshing drinks 🍹/ desserts 🍧 during summer ☀️ ! Let’s c how to make falooda using these Sabja seeds…

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Homemade lotus seed / phool makhana curry

Phool makhana / lotus seeds / fox nuts are the seeds of the plant Eurayle ferox. These seeds are popped before they are brought to the market to be sold and hence they are called phool makhana. It is an amazing source of calcium, protein, fiber & antioxidants and has wonderful health benefits, check this article to know the nutrition facts.

Continue reading Homemade lotus seed / phool makhana curry

DIY seasame n jaggery health bombs

Did u know that quarter cup of raw organic unhulled sesame seeds has 351 mg of calcium while one cup of whole milk has only 291 mg of calcium??? Not only calcium unhulled seasame seeds are full of magnesium, copper, vitamin B1, zinc and dietary fiber… Well if your LO doesn’t drink milk, you needn’t worry… Give them this health bomb 😊! It’s extremely healthy, tastes yum 😋 n is damn easy to prepare – takes 15 mins…

Continue reading DIY seasame n jaggery health bombs