DIY organic 7 cups sweet

Is there an ingredient I am in love with in my kitchen??? Yep! I just love ❤️ coconut. It’s extremely healthy and it tastes yummy 😋. I tend to prepare lots of food using either coconut meal or milk. This homemade sweet prepared with ground coconut is extremely delicious. It’s a hit in the family and kids are gonna love it. What r you waiting for let’s do it!

Continue reading DIY organic 7 cups sweet

DIY all-natural nourishing whipped body butter

Hello friends! Most of you must be aware of the harmful chemicals that are present in cosmetics and the danger they cause. If not please do read these articles.

Upto 60% of the ingredients used in cosmetics is absorbed through the skin and enters the bloodstream. Substances absorbed in this way bypass the liver where detoxification takes place and instead can be circulated around the body where they may interact with living cells! Everyone of us do apply moisturising lotions all over our body and to our kids at least once a day and imagine what harm might it cause! I am sharing the recipe of 100% natural whipped body butter which is extremely smooth and silky. Do try it out and am sure you will love ❤️ it.

Continue reading DIY all-natural nourishing whipped body butter