Sukshma Vyayama

Human body has various joints which require movement and lubrication. In our day to day life, some of the joins are rarely used and some are overused – which creates problems at later phase of life. Therefore basic movement of joints are essential in order to maintain them in healthy & proper condition. Sukshma Vyayama is a system of physical and breathing exercises which help to sequentially work out all joints of a body from the crown of head to the tip of toes, and warm it up. This system has a strong purifying effect on the energy of the body.

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Patanjali Yogāsanas and it’s pre-requisites

Namasthe 🙏

Lets see the definition of Āsana🧘🏻‍♀️:

Sage Patanjali in his Patanjali Yoga Sutra’s defines āsana as

  • Sthiram + Sukham + Āsanam (PYS 2.46)

Āsana is a physical posture that is steady & comfortable.

Prayatna + Saithilya + Anantha + Samapattibhyam (PYS 2.47)

Continue reading Patanjali Yogāsanas and it’s pre-requisites